
All You Need to Know About Brute Force Attacks

Your online cybersecurity and protection should be a top priority for both business and personal IT usage. In fact, it’s an essential aspect for all types of computer users and systems. When it comes to avoiding cyber threats, education is key. Learning about the different types of cyber threats, such as brute force attacks, can help any IT user avoid the loss of data or system information.

Cyber attackers are finding new ways to steal, destroy, and alter personal information. Their cunning must be equally matched with state-of-the-art security systems and proper education regarding cyber activity. One type of common attack is known as a brute force attack. Brute force attacks can be avoided in many cases with proper education about early warning signs.

Welcome to InnoHosting IT services, where we offer the best security protection and are dedicated to helping our clients avoid the numerous cyber threats! Along with our affordable IT services and security software systems, you also get supercharged servers, fast connection speeds, and so much more. Learn more about InnoHosting and how we help you prepare against brute force attacks. Here is a user’s guide for all you need to know about brute force attacks to increase your cyber security.

Cyber Security & Attacks

First, let’s take a look at the basic principles behind brute force attacks and other cyber threats.

The phrase “cyber security” refers to the properties used to protect computer-based systems, data centers, networks, programs, software, etc from cyber threats and attacks. You can think of cyber attacks, particularly brute force attacks, as forms of break-ins that occur in the cyber world versus the physical world. However, just because they take place in this sphere does not make them any less dangerous or detrimental to IT users. Furthermore, this makes it more difficult for investigators to trace activity, because cyber attacks can occur from anywhere. For instance, you might be the victim of an attack where the hacker lives on the other side of the globe.

Introduction to Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks are just one type of cyber threat that you might encounter. Nobody is immune to these threats, including large-business owners, small-business owners, entrepreneurs, and everyday computer users. Brute force attacks work by attempting to steal sensitive information stored on your devices, hard drives, and IT systems. Information a hacker might want to access can include financial information, business data, personal identification information, logins and passwords, and other account details. Anything which is of significant personal value on your computer systems could be at risk of brute force attacks. When hackers steal this info, their goal might be to destroy, alter, or manipulate the information. 

Here is your guide to brute force attacks.
Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Warning Signs of Brute Force Attacks

There are a few warning signs of brute force attacks to be aware of. While these are by no means a comprehensive way of knowing if you are at risk of brute force attacks, it is a good place to begin. Reporting any odd activity to your Innoosting IT support team is also a good way to stay ahead of potential cyber threats. 

Logins Attempts and Warnings

The first common warning signs of a brute force attack are multiple failed login attempts on any of your IT accounts. This is especially worrisome if they all come from the same IP address or location. Many login systems now ask users for double verification procedures to ensure that hacking attempts are stopped. Other systems will alert users to new logins from devices that have not been used previously, as well as unknown IP addresses. However, this alone won’t always stop hacking attempts.

Therefore, it’s important to be diligent and review messages carefully regarding suspicious logins. You can also change passwords after noticing any recent login attempts to keep everything extra secure. Noticing these red flags could save you more heartache down the road. 

Strange Username Activity on One IP Address

Another warning sign of a brute force attack is any strange username activity on one single IP address. Once again, this is especially troublesome if the IP address is one you have not used before on any of your devices. If you notice multiple usernames on a single IP address, this is likely a hacking attempt that has luckily failed. Keeping a close eye on all valid IP addresses makes it simple to flag unknown ones before it’s too late. 

Contact InnoHosting for Better Security Software Today

When it comes to brute force attacks, notice the early warning signs. It is a great place to start for better security. However, knowing the dangers and recognizing the red flags isn’t enough to stop the most hardcore hackers in their tracks. In addition to these measures, you should invest in IT services that offer you the best security software protection.

Here at InnoHosting, we deliver the latest in cutting-edge security software systems for all our IT plans. Plus, every plan and configuration we offer comes at an affordable price. Visit our website or contact us today to get started with better security against brute force attacks!

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