
IT Safety from Top to Bottom For Everyone

IT safety is one of the most important measures you can take to protect your individual and business assets every day. However, learning the basics of IT safety is an entirely different story, and many people fail to practice even the most basic IT safety habits. Your InnoHosting IT services provider can help you achieve the best IT security on the market with reliable software systems that protect you 24/7.

Now more than ever before, IT safety is critical for your business and personal computer use for optimal performance rates, data security, and the security of your identity. Learn more by visiting our website to get started today with your free consultation. Here is an in-depth look at IT safety for everyone’s needs today!

Security Threats: The Basics

Security threats are unfortunately everywhere in our IT-based world. Cyberattacks, breaches, viral attacks, phishing scams, and so much more are common amongst those who use technology every day, whether they’re business owners or those who work from home as entrepreneurs and freelancers. Therefore, understanding the basics behind security threats can help anyone prepare to conquer them should they threaten to destroy, steal, or alter personal data. Let’s look at a few of the most common security threats that might compromise your IT safety. 

Phishing Scams: 

The first security threat to be aware of is phishing scams. Phishing scams are quite prevalent since they target IT users through their email, online message platforms, and even text messages. A phishing scam often is a false email sent with dangerous links or false information that attempts to get IT users to input personal, business, or identification information. A scammer might be trying to steal financial data or someone’s identity or simply alter or destroy data collections within a secured file system. 

Often, these scammers pose as other agencies, such as government entities, which users might be convinced need more information, such as their Social Security number. Sometimes they employ fake logos and seals to convince vulnerable individuals that they are a reliable source. 

Key signs of phishing scams include emails sent from strange email addresses, logos that look strange, or emails from sources that usually won’t contact you in that method. Always err on the side of caution with emails from unknown sources and never open suspicious links. Reporting these concerns to your IT provider is a great way to practice IT safety and avoid becoming a scammer’s next victim. 

Password Attacks: 

Another common security threat is password attacks of all kinds. Password attacks target IT users with weak passwords to obtain access to their accounts and assets. Luckily, it’s very easy to avoid becoming the victim of most password attacks with some simple IT safety measures. First, create strong passwords using diverse character sets. Include as many upper and lower case letters as possible, as well as numbers, and symbols You can also create passphrases for even greater security. 

Viral Injection Attacks:

Viral injection attacks occur when a virus gets into your system and can gain access to important files. There are many sneaky methods hackers use to infiltrate your IT systems with viruses. Sometimes the virus is injected physically through a disk drive or file download. In other cases, it happens via email or text messaging applications.

In any case, the best way to avoid becoming the victim of a viral injection attack is to choose an IT provider whose security systems have built-in protection against viruses. With regular virus scanning technology, firewall protection, and ActivGuard software protection from InnoHosting, your IT systems are locked down against viral injection attacks of all kinds 24/7. We have systems that automatically alert you to potential threats, back up your data, and take action to stop hackers before they succeed.  

IT safety insights are here with Innohosting.
Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

What Else You Can Do 

There are many other IT safety measures you can take to protect your assets. For instance, employing a dual network authentication system on all your logins is a simple way to avert security threats. Dual authentication systems require you to confirm your identity with a secondary device, key code, or phrase when logging into any IT system. This way, hackers have a harder time accessing your information even if they do obtain your initial password. 

You can also monitor IT usage at your place of business. As an employer, it’s a good idea to teach all your employees about the basics of IT safety. However, sometimes threats occur within your own business, which means that closely monitoring IT users’ actions can save you a lot of heartache in the long run. 

Here are some other simple measures to remember:

  • Only give IT users access to the systems and applications they need to conduct their jobs. This can limit misconduct or mistakes which could harm your entire enterprise. 
  • You should also change passwords after old employees leave your business so they no longer have the ability to access important files. 

Contact InnoHosting Today to Learn About IT Safety

When you invest in InnoHosting, you get ActivGuard technology, web security, anti-virus scanning systems, and firewall protection standard on any IT plan. We help protect against data breaches, phishing scams, viral injection attacks, and so much more. At InnoHosting, we take security software seriously.

Want to learn more about our services and what we can do for you? Visit our website and find out more about what makes InnoHosting the industry leader in IT safety. 

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