
3 Server Configurations That Are Great for All IT Users

When it comes to making the right investment in your future server configurations, choosing the right solution can seem like a daunting task. However, with so many robust options to choose from, there is a server configuration guaranteed to make your life easier at InnoHosting. Servers are one of the most critical components you can invest in for all your computer system needs.

From individuals who just need a simple server plan to local business owners to CEOs of large corporations, we have your back at InnoHosting with the fastest, most reliable server configurations on the market today! 

Learn more about our supercharged server systems by visiting our website to find the right plan for your needs. You can also reach out and connect with our professional IT experts to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, and shop our full line of server systems before making your decision. Here are three server configurations that are great for all IT users to help you start your search off strong. 

Server Basics 

Let’s get down to the basics of server and server systems before we help narrow down your search. A server is a computer software and hardware system that enables an IT user’s other devices to function properly.

You can think of your computer’s server as the program which provides all the resources or energy for your computer to operate. Every application you use, every task you perform, and every email you send relies on a computer server system and network connection to function.

From storing data to computing information for yourself or your business, a server system from InnoHosting is the first investment you will need to make to begin everyday IT operations. Therefore, it’s a critical choice to make early on, because choosing the right server can make a major difference in overall productivity. 

One server can offer multiple connections to any number of users or clients. Servers can also be specified to fit your needs, such as gaming servers, file servers, database servers, application servers, or business-grade server systems. You can look into both managed, dedicated servers or cloud-based systems, which are public networks. The options and configurations are truly limitless – but luckily, we can narrow down your search when we pair you with the right server for your needs at InnoHosting. 

Virtual Private Server Configurations

Virtual private server configurations are a great option for business owners who work on a global level. Most business owners want to consider a private server (VPS) system simply because of how easily it can be accessed by authorized users from anywhere at any time. It makes operating your business convenient, smooth, and easy. All of our VPS server configurations at InnoHosting are supercharged to bring you the fastest connections, the best security software, better reliability, and stunning applications at your fingertips 24/7.  

You can think of a VPS system as a virtual system that relies on a physical (parent) server system housed elsewhere. By bouncing off of the physical parent server, virtual private server configurations can connect to all your IT devices from anywhere. 

Server configurations from everyone's needs.
Photo by Massimo Botturi on Unsplash

Dedicated Server Configurations 

On the other hand, a managed dedicated server configuration is still a viable investment for business owners and everyday IT users. It is a physical hardware and software operating system that stores data directly in a database located nearby. Therefore, it’s limited in where it can be accessed from. However, local business owners don’t often have to worry about having the same freedom and mobility as larger corporations when it comes to accessing their IT server systems. As a result, managed and dedicated systems are a popular choice on a smaller scale. 

There are many benefits to choosing these server configurations, including the added protection and support from the management element of a dedicated server configuration. Since user access is closely monitored and limited, it’s less likely for malicious online cyber activity to be a threat. InnoHosting pairs all of our supercharged server systems with the most reliable security software on the market today.

We bring you firewall protection, anti-virus scanning technology, and so much more with every managed, dedicated server we offer. Lastly, since your server is more easily managed, you get better access, control, and support when needed. Your team at InnoHosting can monitor, update, and manage the server, allowing you to focus on more important matters. 

Mixed Server Plans 

If you run a very large corporation, there is another option that might suit your needs. Large corporations often need multiple servers to handle all their IT needs. We recommend considering a mix of a few VPS systems for mobility and a few managed dedicated server plans for local control and access. While this isn’t a route that suits everyone’s needs, it could be the solution that helps your business excel.

Contact InnoHosting for More Information  

When it comes to the right server plan for your needs, there is no right or wrong answer. Many server configurations will work for your business, but it often comes down to which option is the most convenient and affordable for your needs. We can help with all these questions and more when you reach out to InnoHosting today!

InnoHosting offers multiple affordable options that make it simple for you to find the supercharged server plan for your needs! For more information, visit our website and read our blog posts to learn more about all the suitable options for your business and personal needs. 

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