Business hosting is a world filled with numerous options. All these options can make the task of personalizing your web hosting experience a little daunting. Your personal and enterprise needs may vary vastly and even change over time with the progression of your company. Whether you are already a client of InnoHosting or are entirely new to working with us, we want to make sure you are 100% satisfied with all your hosting needs. We offer a wide variety of features and add-ons, including options for those businesses hosting with a cPanel.
Features Included with All Our Plans
Whatever your web hosting needs are, all our major plans come with some basic features. These features include webmail, anti-spam, PHP5, MYSQL5, cPanel Control Panel, Parked Domains, Python, GD2, and the ability to install over 100 scripts with one click, among other standard capabilities.
Other Noteworthy Features
We offer our clients some other noteworthy features: supercharged servers, rapid migration, rapid response support, and ActivGuard Website Security.
Our supercharged servers ensure that you are receiving the most powerful and reliable connections on the market. We have tested our hardware numerous times to provide you with the fastest web servers in the world. This means you will never have to worry about faulty connections, slow databases, or shaky transactions.
Our rapid migration means that you can migrate your web hosting features easily and quickly. We will not fail to move your emails, databases, control panel setting, web applications, and other features seamlessly between your old web host and our InnoHosting system.
Rapid response support is essential to our mission at InnoHosting. We offer our clients toll-free and live chat options to help them as efficiently as possible. We also provide InnoHosting forums where customers can find answers to their questions at any moment.
We also ensure that your website will be safe and secure with our ActivGuard website security system. It protects against injection attacks and regularly scans for malware and viruses. It also provides clients with solid firewall protection against breaches and forced attacks.
Virtual and Dedicated Servers
Clients can choose from an array of server options. InnoHosting has dedicated servers for all your enterprises’ needs. We also offer our clients the option to add on a virtual private server. We are here to help you choose which options are best for your personal and business needs.
Business Hosting with a cPanel
We also offer our clients the choice to host their business using a cPanel. This is a popular feature for most enterprises when deciding on what they needed for their business. We are available toll-free to answer any questions you may have regarding hosting with a cPanel.
![Learn more about how to business hosting with InnoHosting and outside application.](https://blog.innohosting.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/martin-garrido-cVUPic1cbd4-unsplash-1024x576.jpg)
Application Hosting Capabilities
Are you looking to implement your web hosting within or using specific applications? Then InnoHosting also has numerous additional options for you to consider. Our web hosting application capabilities include working with resources like WordPress, Drupal, PrestaShop, OpenCart, Joomla, and Magento.
Our WordPress hosting option allows you to develop and manage your business website quickly. It also has numerous plugin options built in to allow further customization. We can optimize your WordPress hosting experience, enabling faster loading times and quicker delivery of your business information to your customers. With this comes the ability to update and install WordPress with one click, all safely and securely.
PrestaShop is reliable e-commerce and CRM application that is easily scalable for all your business needs. It offers you over 310 features for customization. InnoHosting can help you understand and operate PrestaShop optimally through experience with e-commerce web hosting. To avoid possible malware or malicious attacks, InnoHosting securely protects your e-commerce PrestaShop profile through ActivGuard technology. Similarly, OpenCart, an online shopping cart system, is available with a plethora of features and plugins. Magento is another online e-commerce option that InnoHosting will help you navigate safely and securely.
Web hosting with Joomla is also made convenient and efficient for InnoHosting clients. Joomla is a popular, easy-to-use content management system. It is very user-friendly and allows you to develop and deploy websites quickly.
Finally, there’s Drupal, a popular open-source content management platform that may help your business to excel.
Drupal is excellent for blogging to other applications. We offer a reliable database system in conjunction with Drupal to ensure you meet your web development and management needs.
All of these application hosting capabilities can be added to any of our four major web hosting plans. Additionally, many of these applications have multiple options to ensure you are only paying for what your enterprise needs.
Optional Reseller Hosting
Another option for our clients includes our reseller plans. With this option, we take care of everything from installation to security, backups, and use of applications. Every account you have will offer you full access to its control panel and an array of other features you choose.
Contact InnoHosting Today
InnoHosting goes beyond offering our clients basic plans. We also provide our customers with the most reliable, fast, secure, and customizable service available on the market. If you are an entrepreneur or own a company, InnoHosting is here to help you make the most of your hosting experience. With low-cost options, we are here to answer all of your questions. Contact us today, and we will help you make the right choice for your business. For more information, visit our website and read our blog posts to learn more about suitable options for your business and personal needs.
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