You may have a lot of ideas for your website’s design. Before you can get it up and running, though, you’ll need a hosting service. Here at InnoHosting, we offer everything from basic web hosting plans all the way up to managed dedicated web hosting.
Could the latter option be best for your business? Or do you need something a little more low-key? Read on to get a closer look at your options.
The Benefits of Managed Dedicated Web Hosting
For some business owners, managed dedicated web hosting provides everything that they need. When you get your managed web hosting from InnoHosting, we become more than just a supplier; We become a part of your team.
One of the biggest benefits of managed web hosting is the convenience that it has to offer. We’ll take care of everything, including security, updates, and everything else that comes with infrastructure management.
What does this mean for you? It means that you can fully focus on running your business instead of dealing with web hosting. Fully managed hosting can make a great choice for large businesses, businesses that don’t have a full IT team, and business owners who just want to focus their attention somewhere other than their web presence.
The Benefits of Non-Managed Hosting
There are plenty of benefits to managed dedicated web hosting, but non-managed hosting comes with its own benefits.
Non-managed hosting may be the right choice for you if you’re looking for a basic plan or starter plan. Most people who run a small or medium business find that the non-managed options provide exactly what they need.
Non-managed hosting options are also less expensive than managed hosting, which makes it a good choice for those who need affordability.
Plus, you can find a full range of non-managed hosting options. At InnoHosting, for instance, we offer everything from basic web hosting to virtual private servers. You’ll have lots of flexibility in choosing the plan that works best for you, and you can always upgrade your plan if you outgrow your current one.
Managed Dedicated Web Hosting and More
Do you need a non-managed service or managed dedicated web hosting? At the end of the day, the decision is up to you.
Having trouble making the decision? We understand. Contact us here at InnoHosting today. We’d love to help match you to your ideal web hosting solution.
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