It is no secret that starting a website is a great way to get some extra income. In fact, during this pandemic when everyone is spending more time at home, websites are experiencing record numbers in traffic. However, in order for a website to run at its best, it needs to be run by the best web hosting service. If you have a website through a web hosting service but are experiencing issues, it may be time to look into switching your web hosting service. In this article, we will show you four signs it’s time to get a new web hosting service. Also, we will show you some affordable reseller hosting alternatives to your current web hosting plan.
Are You Getting the Bandwidth and Disk Space You Need?
A common issue with a lot of web hosting services is that they do not provide the customer with a wide selection of bandwidth speeds and disk space. This can cause problems with the budget for a lot of websites. An important thing to know is that not all websites are created equal. Indeed, depending on the website you have, this directly impacts the bandwidth speed and disk space you will need. For example, if you have a blog, there is no need for you to have high bandwidth speeds or a lot of disk space. On the other hand, if you are working on a website that hosts a lot of videos, you will need a lot of bandwidth speed and disk space.
To be successful, you need a lot of options when it comes to bandwidth speed and disk space. As your website grows and changes, you will need to change your bandwidth speed and disk space accordingly to match the content on your website. Here at InnoHosting, we cover several different bandwidth speeds and disk space options. Also, we offer a variety of flexible options, so it is easier for you to change the speeds and space of your website whenever you need to do so. Furthermore, because we offer a variety of plans, it is easier for you to find an affordable web hosting plan to fit your budget.
Do You Have the Applications You Need to Run Your Website Successfully?
A major misconception when it comes to web hosting services is that their only function is to host your website, and you are responsible for everything else. However, that is not the case anymore. Many web hosting services offer a variety of applications to help design, organize, and run your website. These applications are incredibly beneficial if you are new to operating a website or if you don’t have the time or expertise to run a website. If your current web hosting service does not offer the applications you need, or they don’t provide any applications at all, it may be time to shop around for a new web hosting service.
Here at InnoHosting, we offer industry-leading applications designed to make your website the best it can be. For example, if you are running an e-commerce store, we offer applications like OpenCart. OpenCart is an all in one application that allows you to accept dozens of payment options as well as a variety of currencies from all over the world. Using OpenCart will expand your customer base, which in turn will increase the revenue of your website.
Does Your Current Web Hosting Service Provide the Security You Need?
A significant issue in today’s internet culture is the security of financial and personal data. Indeed, it seems every month we hear about a new data hack affecting millions of people around the world. With this in mind, it only makes sense for you to want your website hosted on a web hosting service that provides the security necessary to keep your customers’ data safe. However, ensuring proper security takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, a lot of web hosting services choose to skimp on the security features in order to save the company money. If you feel uneasy that your web hosting company is not doing all it can to protect your and your customers’ data, it is time for you to make the switch.
Here at InnoHosting, we understand the importance of keeping the personal and financial data for both you and your customers safe. That is why we offer the very best security protocols. We continuously monitor all our servers where websites are hosted. If any threats or weaknesses are detected, we take immediate action to ensure the server stays secure. Also, we offer SSL certificates to help ensure all data transferred in and out of your website is encrypted against outside threats.
Can You Afford Your Current Web Hosting Service?
One of the biggest concerns for anyone starting a website is the budget. Chances are if you are at the beginning stages of your website, you are generating very little in revenue. With this in mind, you must have a smart budget to ensure you have the runway to make it through the beginning stages. A common issue with a lot of web hosting services is that they can quickly become expensive. Indeed, many companies will try and sell you services and features you don’t need so that they can make an extra buck.
Here at InnoHosting, we know money is important to you. That is why we offer several affordable reseller hosting plans that can fit anyone’s budget. When you use our services, you only pay for the applications and features you want and not the ones you don’t. Also, we have a stellar customer service team waiting to help you with any questions you may have. If you are interested in switching your web hosting provider, we encourage you to come to our website to learn more about our services.
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