A great way to earn income in today’s internet society is to open up an e-commerce store. Indeed, an e-commerce store allows you to sell goods and services around the world. However, starting an e-commerce store and acquiring all the software to make it run can become expensive if you don’t know what to look for. Fortunately, there are options for those of you who are new to the e-commerce scene. When you choose business hosting with cPanel powered by InnoHosting, you are given the tools you need to succeed. In this article, we will go over a few ways to save money with your e-commerce store.
The Power of Web and Business Hosting with cPanel
The most essential element of any successful e-commerce store is the hosting service. An e-commerce store takes a lot of disk space and bandwidth to run correctly. Therefore, you need to choose a hosting service that is up to the task of running your e-commerce store. Business hosting with cPanel powered by InnoHosting provides the services you need at prices that can fit anyone’s budget. Let’s go over some of the programs and services offered by business hosting with cPanel.
Over the past several years, PrestaShop has become an industry standard when it comes to running an e-commerce store. Indeed, PrestaShop offers over three hundred features that are optimized to make your e-commerce store run at peak performance. Also, an added benefit of all the features provided with PrestaShop is that you can spend less time and money focusing on your e-commerce store to focus on more important things. If you are interested in implementing PrestaShop to your e-commerce website, business hosting with cPanel powered by InnoHosting can implement it to your website within minutes.
Handling transactions on your e-commerce website can be a nightmare for anyone. Indeed, with a variety of payment and currency options, it is easy to become overwhelmed. OpenCart is a shopping cart system that provides the features you need to handle all the incoming transactions your e-commerce store will experience. These features include the ability to accept most payment options. Also, OpenCart can work with a majority of payment gateway systems that are available. An added benefit is the money you will save when you avoid paying fees to dozens of different shopping cart programs.
The way your e-commerce website looks is just as important as the items and services you sell. In fact, if your website is easy to use, the likelihood of you making more money from your customers increases. Magneto is an extensive e-commerce application that provides numerous ways for you to manage the content on your e-commerce website. Also, Magneto provides means for you to customize the functionality and look of your e-commerce website.
Security Matters
The most important feature your e-commerce store needs is industry-leading security. Financial data hacks are becoming more and more prevalent. In order to counteract these data hacks you need the right protection. Business hosting with cPanel powered by InnoHosting provides the very best security for your e-commerce website. Come to our website today and learn how business hosting with cPanel can save your e-commerce website money.
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