
How Much Disk Space Do You Need for Reseller Hosting?

Reseller hosting is turning into an excellent source of income or billboard for your personal business. Unfortunately, creating your own hosting service can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with computers. InnoHosting has created easy and affordable reseller hosting plans that will fit anybody’s needs. In this article, we will explain what and why disk space is essential, as well as show you the plans that will work for you.

What Is Disk Space?

To put it simply disk space is the amount of information and data you can store on your website. Everything from text to video takes up “space” on a website. This space is measured in megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB). Knowing how much disk space you need will allow you to save hundreds of dollars a year on an affordable reseller hosting plan.

How Much Disk Space Do You Need?

Depending on who you want your hosting service to cater to will determine the amount of disk space you should have. Here at InnoHosting, we have eliminated the guesswork with choosing the right amount of disk space by providing several plan options. We will break down three classifications of websites to demonstrate how much disk space you need.

First, if you want to cater to blogs or other text-based websites, you don’t need a large amount of disk space. We recommend that you sign up for our Standard reseller hosting plan. This plan comes with 40 GB of disk space that you can spread across 25 websites. The Standard is an extremely affordable reseller hosting plan that only costs $16.95 a month when you sign up for a year and $19.95 when you go month to month. 

Second, if you want to have a hosting service that caters to shops and online businesses, you will need a bit more disk space to operate successfully. Shops and online businesses need more disk space to provide the programs required to run shopping and finance applications. Our Executive reseller hosting plan is a good middle of the road plan. The plan includes 80 GB of disk space that you can spread across 150 websites. Also, the Executive costs $33.95 when you sign up for a year and $39.95 when you go month to month. 

Third, if you want reseller hosting to be your full-time job and become the king of hosting, you will need the disk space to match. Hosting video on your website is a sure-fire way to create a massive amount of traffic for your website. However, video content takes up a significant amount of disk space. Here at InnoHosting, we provide the very best with the Semi-Dedicated reseller hosting plan. You will receive over 500 GB of disk space that you can use with 500 websites. If you want the best plan, you are going to have to pay for it. The Semi-Dedicated plan is $84.95 a month when you sign up for a year and $99.95 when you go month to month.

An Affordable Reseller Hosting Plan Does Exist 

No matter what you want to use your website for you need to choose the best reseller hosting service. Innohosting offers industry-leading services at the best prices. Come check out InnoHosting to see what affordable reseller hosting plan works for you.  

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